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Inter Religious Prayer Service

‘The ultimate religion a man needs is HUMANITY’ An Inter-religious prayer service was organized on 14th August 2018 for the students. The purpose for organizing an inter-religious prayer service was to make children realise the importance of the greatest religion-HUMANITY. It started with the lighting of the lamp which indicates a light of hope in this dark and unreal world. Then some information was given on Humanity and prayer. A skit was performed showing that when religious leaders ignore a man who is badly injured, some poor farmers help him out of sympathy. It portrayed the fact that the goodness of a person is not determined by the post he holds, but by his thoughts and actions. Also, it was shown that people always try to find god in different religious places, but your deeds are more important because God is everywhere.  Some religious hymns were sung related to the topic. Also another skit was performed where a man was shown distressed by the crimes happening daily. He was later assured that in spite of all the evil in the world, there are good things happening too. Our own boys from the school are visiting various orphanages and old age homes trying to bring a smile on the faces of the people living there. The program then ended with a beautiful hymn which was together sung by all the boys who participated in the prayer service. The boys had understood that:

Being humane is more important than being a human.     

  -By Husain Rehmanji 10thA 39