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News about St.Stanislaus High School

Winners of the Subroto Cup Under 15 Category

Our Stanislites won the Subroto Cup in the under 15 category District level.Learn More

Van Mahotsav Week Celebration by the Scouts

Keeping the Scout law in Mind ' A scout is a friend to animals and Loves Nature '.

The Scouts of St Stanislaus High School celebrated Van Mahotsav week with various activities to promote environmental awareness.

They participated in essay writing, poster making, slogan writing, bookmark making, and a 'Best out of Waste' competition.

Each scout also received a sapling to plant at home, fostering a personal connection with nature and instilling a sense of environmental responsibility.

This event highlighted the school's commitment to nurturing environmental...Learn More

Van Mahotsav Celebration by the Nature Club

Nature club of St Stanislaus High School celebrated Van Mahotsav week with various activities to promote environmental awareness.

Following activities were conducted for 9 & 10 Essay writing competition std 7 & 8 'Best out of Waste' competition, Std 5 & 6 Drawing Competition.

The winners were awarded certificates

Hall Assembly was also conducted to Highlight the importance of Trees and forest (Van Mahotsav) where the students took pledge to grow trees and conserve Nature

Each Nature club boy also received a sapling to plant at home,...Learn More

Principal’s Day Celebration

We the secondary and primary staff with the Management of St. Stanislaus High School celebrated Principal’s Day on the 29th of June, 2024 in honour of the birthday of our Principal Sr Arockiammal Anthony.

The programme commenced with our Principal being escorted by the Manager Fr Luke Rodrigues S J , Fr. Evarist SJ, primary HM Mrs Raynah Lemos and Supervisor Sir Titus to the museum which was decorated in a special way for the occasion.

The programme with a short and meaningful prayer service thanking God for the gift of our Principal. After the prayer service Fr Luke gave a...Learn More

Immaculata 2024 - 2025

Our Stanislites had participated this year in Immaculata. Students were excited to participate in it. This event was held in St. Mary’s High School, Mazgaon on Saturday 29th June,2024.  Students of std 9 & 10 participated. There were many events such as sports events, literary fine arts, arts, performances, pre -events etc. We participated in sports events like Fusion ball, Speak and French Cricket where we won the 2nd place in French cricket and Fusion ball and got trophies for it. We also participated in Domino Frenzy, JAM ( Minute Marvel), Stopmotion animation, Traits of the...Learn More

Indo – German Cultural Exchange Program 2023 - 2024

From April 16th to April 27th, 2024, St. Stanislaus High School in Mumbai visited Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Stuttgart, Germany, for a cultural exchange program. The goal was to help students understand each other's cultures, schools, and daily lives while making new friends.

Activities and Highlights:

  • Welcome Ceremony and Cultural Performances: The program began with a friendly welcome and performances by students from Wilhelms-Gymnasium.
  • Interactive Sessions on German Education: Students learned about German
  • ...Learn More

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

On the occasion of the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, an awareness program was conducted for around 400 students of the 9th and 10th grades at St. Stanislaus High School, Bandra West. This year's theme was "The Evidence is Clear - INVEST IN PREVENTION."

The Scouts, N.C.C. (Army Wing and Air Wing), and RSP participated in the program, which was conducted by Nashabandi Mandal Maharashtra Rajya in collaboration with the Bandra Police Station (West). The program included a PowerPoint presentation on the ill effects of drug abuse and its prevention,...Learn More

Maharashtra Day Celebration

दिनांक १ मे २०२४ वार बुधवार रोजी आपल्या शाळेमध्ये महाराष्ट्र दिन उत्साहात साजरा करण्यात आला. नियोजनाप्रमाणे सकाळी ७.१५ वाजता सर्व विद्यार्थी शिक्षक शाळेच्या मैदानावरती उपस्थित झाले. कार्यक्रमाला उपस्थित शाळेच्या मुख्याध्यापिका, उपमुख्याध्यापिका, व शाळेचे शिक्षक, शिक्षिका विद्यार्थी उपस्थित होते. महाराष्ट्र दिनाच्या कार्यक्रमाचे प्रमुख अतिथी आपल्या शाळेच्या पर्यवेक्षक शिक्षिका सबिता होत्या. सकाळी ठीक 7.20 वाजता बँड पथकाच्या साह्याने प्रमुख पाहुण्यांना ध्वजारोहण करण्यासाठी संचालन करून आणण्यात आले. सकाळी ठीक ७.३० वाजता प्रमुख पाहुण्यांच्या हस्ते ध्वजारोहण करण्यात आले. त्यानंतर राष्ट्रध्वजाला...Learn More

SSC FAREWELL 2023-2024

A farewell ceremony was held in honour of the outgoing students of St Stanislaus high school on 6th February 2024 in the school auditorium. It was organized by the class teachers of Std IX and X, respectively. The program began with a thanksgiving prayer service, followed by speeches given by the manager Fr. Luke Rodrigues, SSESA representative Mr. Lalit Sharma and the outgoing school captain Master Samuel Pereira.

The much-awaited Stan prince contest was judged by our very own Ex Students, Mr Mayuresh Gujar, and Mr. Gilchrist.

The Stan Prince for the year 2023-2024 was...Learn More

Farewell Tr Sabita Menezes

St Stanislaus High School joyfully bid farewell to Supervisor Tr Sabita Menezes on January 31, 2024, after 31 years of dedicated service. The farewell included a warm welcome, prayer service, music, dancing, a skit, and a nostalgic video montage. Messages from the manager, Fr. Luke Rodrigues, and Sir Elias were shared, and Tr Sabita received an album, cards, a surprise cake, and a beautiful bouquet. Her heartfelt words concluded the program, followed by a vote of thanks from Principal Sr Arockia. Wishing Tr Sabita a happy and healthy retirement.Learn More


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