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News about St.Stanislaus High School

Investiture Ceremony 2020

The installation ceremony for the academic year 2020-2021 was held on 3rd of February 2020. The newly elected school council members were bestowed with Sashes and Badges by the Principal Tr. Anna Correa and Vice- Principal Sr. Arockia. This wasn’t just the installation of a post or authority, but the germination of responsibilities and duties.

It started off with the School Council Members marching towards the stage with great pride. The outgoing School Captain handed over the school flag and his sash to the principal, who then bestowed the sash and the school flag to the newly...Learn More

For God and Country - Britto House Feast Celebration

On Monday the 3rd of February 2020, St. Stanislaus High School celebrated the feast of St. John De Britto, patron saint of the Britto House. There was a brief video and skit on the life of the saint.

The Britto house celebration was extra-special because of a canteen hosted by the boys of STD 5 and STD 6.Learn More

St Stanislaus High School – Best Scouting School

St Stanislaus High School was judged the Best Scouting School in the West Mumbai Suburban by the West Mumbai Suburban Bharat Scout and Guide District Association on 22nd February 2020, at the Thinking Day Celebration – the birthday of Scout founder ‘Lord Baden Powell.’Learn More

Budding Cricket Champ Arjun

Arjun Jayswal of std 7A was selected to represent Mumbai in the Under 14 West Zone Cricket Tournament which was played in Pune during the month of Jan and Feb. Five teams viz. Mumbai, Maharashtra, Saurashtra, Gujarat and Baroda participated in this tournament over a period of 3 weeks. All the matches were a 3 day affair same as the Test Match format.

Arjun got a chance to play against Gujarat, Saurashtra and Maharashtra. He scored 54 Not Out playing against Saurashtra while chasing a target of 199 in the 2nd innings and helped Mumbai win...Learn More

Grandparents Day

It is rightly said “Grandparents hold our tiny hands for just a while, but....our hearts forever”

Grandparents day was celebrated on 15th February, Saturday in St. Stanislaus High School, by the students and teachers of class-1. The Arrupe Hall was filled with bright and happy faces of around 60 grandparents.

The programme began with a prayer service followed by a prayer song and dance. A group of boys dressed in red and pink shirts.....the colours of love welcomed the grandparents with a song.This was followed by a short musical “Down Memory Lane”.Each item  was...Learn More

71st Republic Day Celebrations

The 71st Republic Day was celebrated at St Stanislaus High School. Mr. Angelo Baptista was the chief guest.

The programme started by hoisting of the national flag, singing of the national anthem. One minute silence was observed. The pledge and the preamble were recited.

A beautiful skit depicting unity in harmony was displayed by the students. A patriotic song was sung, an inspiring message was given by the student, followed by the chief guest's speech.

The programme came to an end with a vote of thanks by the principal.Learn More

Ali Yavar Jung Hearing Test (Primary)

A team from Ali Yavar Jung assessing the hearing of our primary students. It will help with the early identification of hearing loss.Learn More

Marathi Elocution (Primary)

This year for the first time there was a Marathi elocution organized for the boys of Std. III and IV, on the 7th of February, to encourage them to learn and appreciate the language.

The boys very actively participated in the elocution. There was an elimination round, where only a few qualified to the finals. The boys took a lot of trouble and came well prepared with proper diction and expression and recited the poem with confidence.

There were three winners from each standard, but all the participants were winners in the true sense.

Tr. Jonita Lopes

Tr....Learn More

St Stanislaus Scouts - Sports Champion Once Again

The Inter School Scout Athletic Meet was held on 30th January 2020 at West Mumbai Suburb district ground.

The following scout boys of St Stanislaus High School secured the following places:

Under 16- 100 mtrs

Kyle Justin 1st

Aaron Joseph  2nd

Emmanel vadval 3rd

U - 14 100 mtrs

Aaron Tellis 2nd

Joshua Almeida 3rd

 Under 16 shot put

Kyle Drego 2nd

Myron Pesso  3rd

Under 14 shot put

Adam Menon 1st

...Learn More

The Primary celebrates Pongal / ‘Sweet Tooth’ Satisfied!

‘You are what you eat, so eat something sweet!’, said someone quite smart!

The students of the primary section celebrated the harvest festival of Pongal on the 18th of January, 2020. The festivities began with a prayer service followed by a viewing of a video on the meaning of Pongal and its celebration, in every class. The students were also briefed on the same by their respective class teachers. During the break, students shared the sweets that they had brought along with them, with their teachers and friends.

The students enjoyed this celebration as they not only got...Learn More


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