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News about St.Stanislaus High School

“SANKALP 2.0 - To Create a Better Tomorrow”

The Bharat Scout and Guides organized an activity “SANKALP 2.0- To Create a Better Tomorrow”  for scouts and guides in collaboration with  UNICEF on 6th May 2021. Thirty Scouts of St Stanislaus high school successfully completed and uploaded the Sankalp 2.0 activity on time.

Scouts were given eighteen  tasks / Act, out of which they had to complete a minimum of Twelve  tasks of which six  were compulsory, the compulsory task was ( Act 1- Yoga with BSG, Act-3 Mask Making, Act-4 Covid -19 Awareness, Act-11 Be a Change Maker, Act-17 Mask...Learn More

Birthday Celebrations for our Dear Principal!

Sr Arokia’s birthday falls in the summer vacations, but we cannot let the occasion just slip by because “Birthdays are special days!” We wanted to make the special day extra special so we had prepared a short programme consisting of a prayer service, wishes from the PTA, School Council, a short collection of pictures, a song and a dance by the teachers. This was uploaded so the entire school could participate online. Also, there was a short programme in school where God’s blessings were invoked, short speeches by Fr Juan and Fr Frazer, culminating with the cutting of the Birthday cake and...Learn More

World Environment Day - Scouts

A scout is a friend to animals and loves Nature - About 50 Scouts of St STANISLAUS High School celebrated World Environment Day on 5th June 2021 by taking active part in Best out of waste activity, keeping in mind the UN theme for 2021 Ecosystem Restoration.Learn More

मराठी भाषा दिवस

Feast of Saint John De Britto

On 5th February 2021, St. Stanislaus High School celebrated the feast of Saint John De Britto also known as Arul Anandar. The celebration began with a Eucharistic Celebration at the Saint Peter’s Church at 9:30 am in morning. Following the protocols in this pandemic time, the celebrations continued virtually for the boys. The program started off with a special skit performed by students and teachers. The skit focused on the life Saint John De Britto and explained the meaning of the House motto: ‘For God & Country'. As a part of the celebration a poster competition was held...Learn More

Golden Scout Master Br. Conrade - 50 Years of Scouting

22nd February is the birthday of Lord Baden Powell, the founder of scouts. Hence we remember it as the Scout Founder's Day/ Thinking Day in his honour. Br. Conrade Fonseca S.J. recently completed 50 years as a Scout Master. So this year on Thinking Day the Staff and Management of St. Stanislaus High School felicitated him for his dedication and selfless service to scouting.Learn More

72nd Republic Day Celebration

On 26th January 2021, We, the Stanislites, of a Republic India, celebrated the 72nd Republic Day with great pride and zeal, both physically in school and on a virtual platform. It is rightly said that ‘Real heroes don’t wear capes. They wear scrubs and work in hospitals.’ Hence, we dedicated this day to all the frontline health workers who have been rigorously fighting the Pandemic. We were honoured to have in our midst, Dr. (Sr.) Beena, a religious sister belonging to the Congregation of Ursulines of Mary Immaculate, as our Chief Guest. She is currently the Deputy Director of the Holy...Learn More

Republic Day Celebration 2021 Primary

The 72nd Republic Day was celebrated in all its solemnity and grandeur at St. Stanislaus High School on 26th January, 2021.  The students had an online view of the celebration for the day remembering the integrity, diversity and uniqueness that is “India”.

The committee in charge started the programme with an introduction followed by a video depicting the importance of the day, a song and ended it with the National Anthem.

A small online activity for classes 1 to 4 was organised, so that  the students could recall the  importance of the day and feel...Learn More

National Youth Day Celebration - Yauvana Talent Hub

National Youth Day is celebrated on 12th January to commemorate the birthday of Swami Vivekananda. National Youth Talent was organized from 5th January to 12th January.




157th Annual Athletic Meet - With a difference

The year 2020 appeared to have cornered us into living scared and closed lives, locked down, at home. The lockdown meant a new way of living, learning, and experiences.  At St. Stanislaus High School, the attitude embedded and stirred in students and teachers the “Never Say Die” attitude and the Sports day at St. Stanislaus is an exemplary example of display of this attitude. This year amidst the lockdown, we at St. Stanislaus had our 157th Annual Athletic Meet on 19th December 2020.  It was Virtual Sports Day.   Our teacher, Ms Sabita, set the mood for the day by...Learn More


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