The feast of St. Stanislaus of Kostka was celebrated on the 13th of November 2024. The day began with Holy Mass celebrated by Fr. Sean Cardozo who gave an enlightening homily on the inspiring life of young saint Stanislaus. He urged the students to imbibe the values they learnt from St. Stanislaus in their own lives. The church was decorated with lovely posters on each pillar and the melodious singing of the primary choir brought the congregation into a closer communion with God. The mass ended with Tr. Raynah delivering a heartfelt vote of thanks highlighting the collective effort that...Learn More
Annual pilgrimage to the Mount and Xavier House Celebration
On 3rd December, the students and staff of the school upheld a cherished tradition by walking to the Mount, reciting the rosary and singing hymns, to seek blessings from Our Lady of the Mount. The occasion marked the feast of St. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit saint known for his missionary work and his role in founding the Society of Jesus (The Jesuits).
The highlight of the celebration was the Eucharistic service, with Fr. Frazer Mascarenhas S.J. as the main celebrant. During the service, the students of Std. X received a special blessing for good health and strength to face life’s...Learn More
The School Unites For Harmony Through Peace
"Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time"
- Lyndon B. Johnson
On 21st September, 2024, St. Stanislaus High School celebrated their 161st Annual Prize Day after a gap of a year, due to grand celebrations on the completion of 160 years in 2023. For this very reason, the excitement for this year's Annual Prize Day had reached it's peak. It was anchored on the theme "Give Peace a Chance," a powerful reminder of the need for peace in a world that often feels divided. Through this theme, the students, teachers, and the entire school...Learn More
Scout Camp - Khapoli
Scouts of St Stanislaus High school went for a scouting camp to Khapoli from 1st October to 3rd October 2024. The scouts learned different types of Knots, whipping of Rope, lashing of staves, Flag Procedure, Estimation, Use of Magnetic Compass, Map making etc. Scouts participated in the All Faith prayer conducted on Gandhi Jayanti. Scouts took active part in activities. such as Hiking, Camp fire, Adventure activities. Patrol flag making, cultural activities etc.Learn More
Inter Class Football Tournament
The Inter Class Football Tournament which was held in the month of July – October has finished the winner from each STD are -:
From STD 5th we have 5th C
From STD 6th we have 6th D
From STD 7th we have 7th B
From STD 8th we have 8th A
From STD 9th we have 9th A
From STD 10th we have 10th B
We also thank Sr. Arockia & Sir Rostan for helping organize and maintain this event.Learn More
The Maharashtra School Merit Awards, 2024
We are proud and pleased to inform you that ‘St. Stanislaus High School’ is Ranked No.2 in Maharashtra, No. 2 in Mumbai Category- ‘Top 3 Boys School’ in a survey conducted by Educationtoday.Learn More
Times of India Award for the Student of the Year
Master Furqan from std 10 received the Times of India award for the Student of the year. Thank you for guiding & nurturing him towards this memorable achievement.Learn More
Hindi Mahotsav Celebration
Hindi Mahotsav was celebrated in St. Stanislaus High school, School Hall on 30th September 2024 at 11:30 a.m. The programme started with lighting of the lamp and a prayer dance. There was dance, song, kavi sammelan and skit which was all prepared under the guidance of Hindi Teachers. It was an excellent programme which was appreciated by all. It ended at 1 p.m. with prize distribution.Learn More
Teachers' Day Celebrations: A Heartfelt Tribute
As the PTA Vice President, I am delighted to share the joyous events that unfolded on Teachers' Day, September 4th, and 5th. Our students and PTA members came together to honor our dedicated teachers, who tirelessly nurture young minds.
On September 4th, our talented students presented a vibrant cultural programme, showcasing their artistic skills through music, dance, and drama. The enthusiasm and effort put into the performances were truly commendable.
The following day, September 5th, we began with a solemn mass at the church, seeking blessings for our teachers....Learn More
A Glorious SSCP Graduation Day!
"Go forth and set the world on fire” – St. Ignatius of Loyola
On 15th July 2024, St. Stanislaus threw an epic SSCP Graduation Ceremony for not just one but two batches (Batch of 2023-24 and Batch of 2024-2025). It was a day filled with excitement and honour for almost 250 graduating students who tirelessly worked hard to give their best during the course of the 3-years-programme.
We were privileged to have our ex-teachers, Tr. Sabita and Tr. Anna as our chief guests on this day.
The event began with a prayer service and a skit on...Learn More