St Stanislaus High School celebrated Van Mohatsav week from 1st July to 7th July 2021. Students from Stds 5th to 10th took active part in all the activities conducted during the week. It was a great learning experience for the students. The activities were conducted standard wise as follows: Std 5th and 6th participated enthusiastically in the Poster Making/ Collage Competition. The theme for the activity was ‘Artist within Me’, keeping in mind the ‘3 R's’- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Std 7th and 8th took the initiative to set up the ‘Lockdown Garden’ by planting Vegetable and Flower seeds in their surroundings. Std 9th and 10th students belonging to the Scout / NCC/ RSP groups respectively carried the Tree / Sapling Plantation under the project ‘Tree - My Friend' The Van Mahotsav Week imbibed the importance of Tree Plantation in life. It gave a strong message to practice afforestation instead of deforestation to the society at large. Watch the wonderful video of Van Mohatsav Celebration, 2021 by the Students of St Stanislaus High School.