The Bharat Scout and Guides organized an activity “SANKALP 2.0- To Create a Better Tomorrow” for scouts and guides in collaboration with UNICEF on 6th May 2021. Thirty Scouts of St Stanislaus high school successfully completed and uploaded the Sankalp 2.0 activity on time.
Scouts were given eighteen tasks / Act, out of which they had to complete a minimum of Twelve tasks of which six were compulsory, the compulsory task was ( Act 1- Yoga with BSG, Act-3 Mask Making, Act-4 Covid -19 Awareness, Act-11 Be a Change Maker, Act-17 Mask Anthem Campaign, Act-18 Young Warrior )
The other Twelve Act, out of which they had Complete six task were ( Act-2 Walkathon, Act -5 Lockdown Garden, Act-6 Friends to Birds, Act-7 Mother’s Week Act-8 Plastic Challenge, Act-10 Artist within Me, Act-12 My Choice, My Hobby, Act13 Positivity Patrol, Act-14 India Virtual Tour, Act-15 Be A Scout Act 16- Learn a new Language)
The Scouts on Completion of the Tasks / Act had to prepare a report, In case of video, to provide a link, all in a PDF format, and to submit through Google link or mail by 15th June on the given portal.
The participants who complete 12 Tasks/Act or more will be awarded an Online Certificate while six best participants from each region will be recognized with a special Award on the basis of the maximum number of articles completed and quality of work performed, Few Scout completed all the given eighteen Act/tasks.