India celebrates Kargil Vijay Diwas on July 26 every year to mark the anniversary of the Army’s victory against Pakistan on this day in 1999, after more than 60 days of armed conflict on the highlands of Kargil in Ladakh. In St. Stanislaus High School, NCC cadets of Std 8 & 9 showed their respect to our national heroes in their posters.Learn More
Scout International Jamboree
Congratulations to Daniyal and Sharjeel who were selected for Scout International Jamboree. They have successfully achieved the Global Cultural Jamboree Award.Learn More
Van Mahotsav Week Celebration…Plant More Trees For A Greener And Better Environment
St Stanislaus High School celebrated Van Mohatsav week from 1st July to 7th July 2021. Students from Stds 5th to 10th took active part in all the activities conducted during the week. It was a great learning experience for the students. The activities were conducted standard wise as follows: Std 5th and 6th participated enthusiastically in the Poster Making/ Collage Competition. The theme for the activity was ‘Artist within Me’, keeping in mind the ‘3 R's’- Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Std 7th and 8th took the initiative to set up the ‘Lockdown Garden’ by planting Vegetable and Flower seeds in...Learn More
International Yoga Day at St Stanislaus High School
21st June is celebrated as International Yoga Day. The year 2021 marked the 7th celebration of this special day dedicated to Yoga – an invaluable gift from India to the world.
Many competitions were held to celebrate this day at St. Stanislaus High School. Teachers and students were asked to send images of themselves performing various Yogasanas at home out of which the best ones were selected. The celebration continued with other competitions like quiz competitions for Std. 5 and 6 on the topic ‘Hygienic and unhygienic food and nutrition. Slogan/quote writing for Std. 7 and 8 and...Learn More
Scouts Yoga Day 2021
Scouts of St Stanislaus High School of west Mumbai Suburb District took active participation in the International Yoga Day Celebration on 21st June 2021. They performed the various Yogasana on 21st June from 7 am to 7.30 am from their respective home by following the video given to them.
International Yoga Day Primary
On 21st June 2021 “International Yoga Day” was celebrated online on Microsoft Teams Application from 8.15am to 8.45 am. The students of standard 4 participated in the programme
P.T Master, Mr. Sagar Suresh Parab gave the boys information about ‘Yoga Day’. He also explained the importance and benefits of Yoga in our day to day life. The exercises mentioned were appropriate and useful to the students. The students were excited and listened attentively.
P.T Master then demonstrated the yoga asanas and boys followed them with enthusiasm. After the end of the session our...Learn More
“SANKALP 2.0 - To Create a Better Tomorrow”
The Bharat Scout and Guides organized an activity “SANKALP 2.0- To Create a Better Tomorrow” for scouts and guides in collaboration with UNICEF on 6th May 2021. Thirty Scouts of St Stanislaus high school successfully completed and uploaded the Sankalp 2.0 activity on time.
Scouts were given eighteen tasks / Act, out of which they had to complete a minimum of Twelve tasks of which six were compulsory, the compulsory task was ( Act 1- Yoga with BSG, Act-3 Mask Making, Act-4 Covid -19 Awareness, Act-11 Be a Change Maker, Act-17 Mask...Learn More
Birthday Celebrations for our Dear Principal!
Sr Arokia’s birthday falls in the summer vacations, but we cannot let the occasion just slip by because “Birthdays are special days!” We wanted to make the special day extra special so we had prepared a short programme consisting of a prayer service, wishes from the PTA, School Council, a short collection of pictures, a song and a dance by the teachers. This was uploaded so the entire school could participate online. Also, there was a short programme in school where God’s blessings were invoked, short speeches by Fr Juan and Fr Frazer, culminating with the cutting of the Birthday cake and...Learn More
World Environment Day - Scouts
A scout is a friend to animals and loves Nature - About 50 Scouts of St STANISLAUS High School celebrated World Environment Day on 5th June 2021 by taking active part in Best out of waste activity, keeping in mind the UN theme for 2021 Ecosystem Restoration.Learn More