69 years of Independent India was celebrated by St Stanislaus High School with the hoisting of the flag by our Chief Guests, Ex-Stanisliltes and IITians, Master Vivek Arte and Master Tanuj Kaza, at 7.30 a.m. The National Anthem was sung with great fervor by the Staff and Students accompanied by the School Band. The Chief Guests along with our Guests of Honour, then proceeded to the hall for a cultural program which comprised of a prayer service, a play bringing out the essence of freedom and speech on Independent India by a Std 8 student, all emphasizing the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters. JCP certificates were then handed out to our Std X boys by Mr Venkatesh Srinivasan. The batch of 2014-15, Std X toppers, who scored above 90% were also felicitated. The toppers shared the secret of their success with our current Std.X boys. Our IITians, inspired the Stanislites with speeches that drew their attention to the School Motto Born for Greater Things – a testament to what Stanislites can achieve. The Principal, Tr. Anna ended with a vote of thanks and gave the boys two “take-aways” – The 1st was that they should be proud to be Indians and the 2nd was the mantra “If it is to be, it is up to me” The programme ended with the school anthem. Parents of the top rankers were invited to a fellowship along with the staff in the school museum.