On 20th December 2019, the boys of Std III put up a meaningful programme on Christmas. The programme began with prayer followed by a prayer dance. The choir sang some carols which was followed by a power point presentation depicting the true meaning of Christmas relating to current times. Boys then showed what their gift to Jesus and their family and friends would be this year through a fashion show. The polka dance added to the festive mood and got all tapping their feet to the melodious beat. The Programme ended with Santa and his elves making their rounds in St. Stanislaus to the beat of jingle bells. It was a wonderful and funfullied morning thus ushering in a festive mood in
St. Stanislaus. We wish one and all a happy and blessed Christmas.
The Teachers incharge :
Tr. Raynah Lemos
Tr. Lorraine Fernandes
Tr. Perpetual Fernandes
Tr. Karen Martin