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Christmas Celebration (Primary) - Children’s hour

“O, come let us adore him, Christ the Lord”- Keeping in mind this beautiful words of the soulful carol O come all ye faithful…., the boys of class 2 put up a Christmas programme on the 20th of December 2024, in the school hall. 

The programme began with a meaningful prayer service followed by a song of praise, the words of which were beautifully animated by the boys through actions. This was followed by a tableau, where the story of birth of Jesus was narrated and wonderfully enacted by the boys. 

The tableau was interspersed with Christmas carols and beautiful dances which made it even more meaningful and enthralling. To the foot tapping beats of the song, All I want for Christmas is you…, the boys then put up and enjoyable dance. 

The programme came to an end with a vote of thanks proposed by our Headmistress Mrs. Raynah Lemos.