Our annual elocution competition was spread over two days, the 27th and the 28th of November, 2017. Our judges for the competition were teachers Milred and Dorris ( For standards 3 and 4) and teachers Calista, a teacher from Bombay Cambridge School, and Steffa, from our secondary section (For standards 1 and 2).
Teachers in charge (Teachers Lorraine, Michelle, Malaika and Perpetual) had a difficult job short listing students for the finals. Across all grades we saw raw as well as honed talent shine through. It was indeed a pleasure to encourage it as developing this skill has multiple benefits: boosts confidence, improves speech clarity, increases volume range, etc.
I can imagine how we set an even greater task before our judges to pick the best from the best. Going by the silence in the hall, the students were left spellbound by the performances, as were the teachers. From badly behaved sisters to pigs who could think, the poems were well selected and entertaining; Roald Dahl and Ken Nesbitt poems being the common choice of our young performers.
The judges remarked at the excellence displayed. Our winners of the day received participation certificates and prizes. Other participants received participation certificates.
We hope that other children will be inspired and will give recitation a shot next year.