A Fancy Dress Competition was held on 10th January for the students of Std 1 and 2 . The theme being- Fairy Tale Characters. Each participant was given a minute to share as to why they had chosen that particular fairy tale character. There were 60 participants in all .
The judges Mrs . Gemma Sequeira and Mrs. Kate Alves both retired primary teachers were presented with a token of appreciation. The beautiful costumes and the meaningful messages were the essence of the fun- filled morning. 11 winners from Std-1 and 8 winners from Std -2 were awarded certificates. Each participant was given a pencil set.
Mrs. Gemma Sequeira advised our students to read good story books. The morning ended with a vote of thanks by Tr. Jennifer.
Teachers In-Charge- Mrs. Lorna Bhantu and Mrs Priscilla Fernandes