On 5th February 2021, St. Stanislaus High School celebrated the feast of Saint John De Britto also known as Arul Anandar. The celebration began with a Eucharistic Celebration at the Saint Peter’s Church at 9:30 am in morning. Following the protocols in this pandemic time, the celebrations continued virtually for the boys. The program started off with a special skit performed by students and teachers. The skit focused on the life Saint John De Britto and explained the meaning of the House motto: ‘For God & Country'. As a part of the celebration a poster competition was held for the boys and so on the Feast Day the winner’s names were declared and their posters were displayed. Since the Motto of the Brittto House is ‘For God and Country’, the staff at Stanislaus took this opportunity to thank and appreciate all the Frontline Workers especially our parents as some of them are also frontline workers, for selflessly working for the country during this pandemic. Since in this academic year neither the students nor the staff had an opportunity to sing the School Anthem the highlight of the programme was the singing of the School Anthem by the staff that brought the programme to an end.