On 30th July 2021, the feast of St Ignatius of Loyola was celebrated by the Primary section of St Stanislaus High School. It was an online program and the children were asked to wear yellow for the same. The program started with a prayer service followed by the hymn – A Gift to You. It was nice to see the boys participate in singing the hymn while it was being played. This was followed by a PowerPoint Presentation which depicted the life and work of St Ignatius of Loyola. After the presentation , The Prayer for Generosity was said during which the boys were asked to close their eyes and listen to the words of the prayer.
We concluded the program with an art activity for the boys, where the boys had to draw and colour a picture guided by their teachers .
The boys were then asked to write an act of generosity , that they would do at home.
After completing their artwork a few of the boys then displayed their lovely drawings on the screen and read out the acts of generosity that they would perform, inspired by St Ignatius of Loyola, for the Greater Glory of God.
Teachers in charge
- Tr Christine Pereira
- Tr Cursina Valles
- Tr Priya Divecha
- Tr Lorraine Fernandes