The feast of St Ignatius of Loyola,Patron Saint of the Jesuits was celebrated on the 31st July 2015, with Mass, in the Church for the Catholic Students and a Prayer Service in the School Hall for the boys of other faiths. The main celebrant was Fr. Lancy Mendonca, an ex-Stanislite .
Fr, Andrew, our Vice Principal, reminded the boys that they were born for Eternity.
The celebrations continued in the Hall which included inputs on Gurupurnima, which was also celebrated on the same day. A short video on the life of St. Ignatius was presented by the boys of the NIOS. Non academic prizes for 2014-15 were awarded. The programme concluded with a Quiz on the Jesuit Icons.
LOVE ought to show itself in DEEDS more than in WORDS - St. Ignatius of Loyola