While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about…The celebration of Children’s Day was held on 26th November 2015. The boys of Std I and Std II assembled at 8:30 followed by the boys of III and IV at 11:00am. Our stanislites celebrated Chidren’s Day which was filled with splashing fun and a jolly time for everyone. The celebration started with thrilling rides like the aeroplane, the jumping jack, rock climbing and the play house. They then proceeded to the games section which included fishing, basketball , ring them and feed it. They were also given burgers, sweets and a wrist band. The children had a wonderful time. Thanks to the help and support of the P.T.A. Seeing the smile on the children’s face made the teachers continue the celebration for the next day with a card making competition that had the following themes :
- Std I and II – Nature - Our friend
- Std III and IV – Environment
Prizes were awarded to the two best in each class. It was truly an enjoyable celebration for all the little ones of the primary section. May the love and laughter always stay on every child’s face.
Teachers In-charge: Ms Raynah Lemos, Ms Priscilla Fernandes, Ms Lalita Nirmal and Ms Cordelia Lewis.