An Inter – class Quiz for the boys of Std 1 and 2 was held on 9th January 2019. The quiz began with the introduction of the contestants from each team.
The different rounds and their rules were displayed on the screen. The rounds were conducted in an interactive way and the teams participated with great enthusiasm. The questions put forth to the teams were intriguing and exciting.
Every round had a mixed bag with questions from sports, math, music, famous personalities and general knowledge. The competition gave the teams a chance to rack their brains. Everyone waited for the announcement of the final scores. The Smart Alecs won the Quiz Competition followed by Brian Stormers in the 2nd place. All participants and winners were awarded certificates.
Teachers in - charge were as follows Tr. Mary | Tr. Lufthancia | Tr. Priscilla | Tr. Christine | Tr. Trupti