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The day started off with our comperes, Fauzan Khan and Jason D’Souza, welcoming the students and dignitaries. The topic for the prayer service was “Peace, Harmony and Unity”. Then, one boy from each faith was called upon stage to light the lamp. There was Joshyer Fernandes from the Catholic Faith, Ahmed Junani from the Muslim Faith, Sarthak Pawar from Buddhism faith, Dalveer Singh from Sikh faith and Shlok Dhabi from Hinduism faith. After that the catholic boys from the choir came and sung a hymn “Let there be peace on earth”, followed by a Bhajan “Achyutam Keshavam Krishna Damodaram” by the Hindu boys and Naat “Hasbi Rabbi” by the Muslim boys. A graceful prayer dance was performed by the students of various faiths after that. Next was the skit. Some core highlights were “Just like a flower bed with different flowers in it they all bloom together”, “Each religion supports peace in its own ways, No religion fosters hatred”, etc… Then we all were led in prayer by one prayer from each religion. That concluded the prayer service. Then our past year 10th std boys were felicitated with scholarships and certificates.


Sandeep D’souza