We celebrated the Mallakhamb Day at school on 15th June 2018. As a part of the celebration we did our regular warm up exercises and later each one of us had to complete Dasarang (one of the elements in Mallakhamb) to the maximum number possible. Last year as a team we had done a total of 312 Dasarangs, however this year we more than doubled the number and completed a little more than 700. The highest individual number of Dasarangs in our school was done by Jadyn D’Souza (170), Caspar Mathew (150) and myself (103). It was a great achievement for all us because on a normal day of practice we are only able to complete about 25-30 Dasarangs.
Our parents also were invited to participate in the celebration and got an experience of climbing on the pole. Both my parents climbed the Mallakhamb and were not only excited but said that it was a once in a lifetime experience and would love to do it more often.
Other parents too took part in the celebration. I was very happy to do Mallakhamb with my family. We were all very happy when our Principal Tchr. Anna came to encourage us and also took a snap with us.
A heartfelt Thanks to our wondeful Sir Yatin who always encourages us to do our best.
I love doing Mallakhamb. You all should try it.
Shaun D’Mello
Std. VI-D