Every year, the NCC boys go for their ANNUAL TRAINING CAMP (ATC). So, did we, this year. Our camp was organized at Goregaon, deep in the forests. We departured from our school at about 7:15 am by bus. Started our journey with prayers, reached our destination safely by 9:00 am. We were then allotted our room numbers. we were 7 in a room. We were then taken for breakfast after which we were shown our timetable. Our schedule was very tough. Waking 4:30 in the morning for roll call, drill practices, P.T etc. We also enjoyed games we played like volleyball, Tug of war etc. On the 21st of June we all practiced yoga as the day was observed as the international yoga day. we were shown the different parts of the rifle and all of us had a hand on it. We got a chance of range firing. It was a wonderful experience for all of us. Then we were divided into 4 groups and we competed against each other in sports, volleyball and tug of war. 5 of our school boys won medals. Alas!!! The most awaited event for all of us. The finals of the drill competition. We could not believe that we stood first in the competition leaving all military schools behind. Thanks to our ANO Mr. Rostan D’silva for training our boys so well. We were awarded in a cultural program in which many of our boys took part in singing and skit. It was a wonderful experience for all of us and we enjoyed a lot. We returned back home on the 27th June morning.
Ibrahim Khalil 9 B