Congratulations and best wishes to you dear Sr. Arockia
Each time a Principal retires, the staff and the students are always anxious about the new principal. This time too as we dreadfully bid farewell to one of the best principal our fears and anxiousness were soon calmed on hearing that Sr. Arockia would now be the New Principal of our school.
Many of us at Stanislaus have worked with Sister first as her colleague and as a colleague, Sr. was always co-operative and had built a good bond with the staff. She then soon got promoted to the Supervisor and then the Vice- Principal post. And as she came into these post she gave her full support to all of us in our endeavours. She always kept her door open for all so that anyone who had any problem could always approach her and she would then in her comforting voice say ‘Don’t worry ma. All will be good.’
Every job is a challenge and as you walk into this new post as our principal, we the entire Stan Parivar will stand with you and support you, dear Sr. Arockia
Now as our New Principal we are sure that with her energy, enthusiasm and focus on education and learning our institute will achieve greater excellence.
May we reach the next levels of glory under your leadership and guidance!!!