The School notice boards were bedecked with charts, prepared by our Stanislites, to wish Tr. Anna on her birthday, which was also celebrated as Principal’s Day. As it was the start of Hindi week the celebrations began with an intercom assembly in Hindi. There was a quiz on Women, and an Essay Competition was held in each class. The celebrations continued in the school hall where the students, teachers and the PTA welcomed Tr. Anna with prayers and best wishes. Fr. Errol, our Manager spoke about the significance of Principal’s Day. The boys performed a prayer dance followed by performances by the Horlicks Wiz Kids band winners, and participants of the fashion show and dance. The teachers projected ‘ANNA - as a Woman of Substance ’. A short video going down memory lane into the life of Tr. Anna was portrayed. The PTA too expressed their heartfelt gratitude through a song. Tr. Anna was then invited on the stage to cut the cake, and accepted cards, presented by each class. The programme in the hall concluded at 12:30 pm with a telecast of a video of a speech by our Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi on Teacher’s Day.