St. Stanislaus High School hosted the above workshop on Thursday, 15th September 2011. It was conducted by the officials of the West Mumbai Suburban District Association in co-ordination with the Asst. District Scout Commissioner Mr. Elias Corriea (Stanislaus School) from 8:30 a.m to 4:00p.m.
Fr. Jude Fernandes S.J. (Principal ) was the Chief Guest and Mr. Dilip Govind the Depty. Education Inspector was the Guest of Honour. Mr. R. Bacchav the State Organisation Commissioner (Scout) was in attendance. 41 Scout Masters & Guide captains from 20 schools were present for this programme. Out of these 20 schools, many of them were newly registered into the Scouting and Guiding movement under the able guidance of Mr. Leonard Gonsalves (District Chief Commissioner) and Mr. Elias Corriea (Asst. District Commissioner) Scout and Mr. Mahadev Salunke (Dist. Training Co-ordinator)
The motive of this programme was to upgrade and refresh the Scouting movement and to enthuse young students towards it. Various scouting and guiding topics and activities such as History of Scouting and Guiding, tying of Knots, First Aid, Flag break, signaling, Proficiency badges etc were topics touched upon. Focus was laid on the syllabus of Pravesh and Pratham Tests. The attendants were inspired into preparing their respective School Scouts and Guides for the Rajya Puraskar and the Rashtrapati Puraskar.
Our Chief Guest and Guest of Honour extended their full support and cooperation in making this movement vibrant.
The Stanislite Scouts manned the traffic that morning, displayed Scout exercises, yoga asanas and assisted in full measures to make this programme effective and informative.This programme concluded enriching the Scout Masters and Guide Captains and left them with a zeal and passion to move ahead.
MR.ELIAS S.CORRIEAAsst. District Scout Commissioner ( Mumbai Suburban District Association )