13th November is the feast of our patron saint, St. Stanislaus Kostka. The boys of St. Stanislaus Primary, had a special assembly for the occasion, the boys learnt of the young Jesuit Saint and his life. On the same day the boys participated in various activities like colouring, drawing and poster making, that brought out the message of the Kostka house, namely ‘Service in Freedom’. A few selected articles from every standard were displayed on the board next to the Treasurer’s Office.
The enjoyment was doubled with the Children’s Day celebration as the boys enjoyed a fun fair on the 15th of November. The boys played on a number of rides like the Jumping Jack, Toy Train, Aeroplane Ride and the Trampoline. They had a fun filled morning and were refreshed with a tasty burger and a soft drink as they left for home.
Teachers in charge:
Tr. Michelle Ferrao
Tr. Mary Almeida
Tr. Lorraine Fernandes
Tr. Lufthancia Miranda