National award winning actor Manoj Bajpayee ensured that the anthem launch of his forthcoming awe-inspiring biopic, Budhia Singh – Born To Run was one to remember! This is an inspirational true story of the world’s youngest marathon runner Budhia Singh – Born To Run. The movie is the celebration of an ordinary boy who rose from the ashes like the phoenix and made his country proud.” It is based on the relationship between Budhia (Mayur Patole) and his judo coach, Biranchi Das, played by Manoj Bajpayee. Das rescued the little boy from one of Bhubaneswar’s most...Learn More
English Elocution Competition (Primary)
The English Elocution Competition for standards 1 to 4 was held on the 22nd and 26th of August, 2016 respectively. The judges for class 1and 2 were Mrs. Juanita Lobo a retired teacher from Jamnabai Narsee School and Mrs. Shurekha Lobo a teacher from St Joseph’s Convent High School and the judges for class 3 and 4 were Mrs. Anna Menezes and Mrs. Mayrose D’Souza former teachers of our school.
There were 8 participants from each standard. The boys used voice modulation and expression while reciting their poems . The judges appreciated their efforts and were...Learn More
Independence is Happiness (Primary)
To spread the happiness and celebrate the completion of sixty-nine years of Independence the teachers and boys of Standard 3 put up a programme on 13th August, 2016 in the School Hall. The programme began with a prayer and hymn asking God to bind us together. A few boys then began a discussion on what independence really means. Unity- the central theme was clearly brought out throughout the program starting with the play which highlighted the fact that we must be united in order to progress. Amidst the discussion, children dressed in traditional costumes of different states yet...Learn More
Inter-religious Prayer Service
The Inter-religious Prayer Service was celebrated on the 13th August 2016.
The theme for that morning was “Water” – one of the oldest and most meaningful symbols found in cultures and religions worldwide – a sign of purity.
The different religions were Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, and Buddhism. The importance of Holy Water in each of these religions was portrayed with readings from the Holy Books, a prayer dance accompanied by visuals and a bhajan.
Brother Conrad Fonseca summed up the whole programme with the...Learn More
Stanislaus Got Talent
Immaculata, the inter-school annual competition kicked off this year with a bang on the 2nd and 3rd of July, 2016. The host of events planned always promise to showcase every facet of talent; from sport to performing and literary arts.
This year, the primary section also took part in the competition, displaying their talent in six events. A contingent of thirty-one boys, accompanied by their teachers Mrs. Michelle D’Souza and Miss Malaika Rodrigues as well as Mr. Darryl Loyola, geared up to participate on the 2nd of July, 2016. The events for the students of the primary section...Learn More
Parents’ Day 2016 (Primary)
On the occasion of Parents’ Day, the primary section organized a day full of fun with a Treasure Hunt, for the parents on the 6th of August 2016. The parents assembled in the school shed at 9 a.m. in their respective dress code with a lot of enthusiasm and team spirit.
Darryl Loyola was the host for the programme. The programme started with some warm-up activities followed by the treasure hunt. The parents ran helter-skelter in all directions in the school premises. They performed different activities at each spot in order to earn the next clue. The treasure was finally found by...Learn More
Bastille Day Celebrations at St. Stanislaus High School
Bastille Day is the French National Day, which is celebrated on 14 July each year In France,.
The French National Day commemorates the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789,[1][2] ...Learn More
Stanislites excel at Mathematics and Science Olympiad
Master Ahmed Yasin and Master Ibrahim Khalil did their School proud at the Maths and Science Olympiad 2016. Master Ahmed Yasin gave an outstanding performance at the Math and Science Olympiad while Master Ibrahim Khalil gave an outstanding performance in the Math Olympiad
Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education is the nodal centre of the country for Olympiad programmes in mathematics and sciences including astronomy. The programmes aim at promoting excellence in science and mathematics among pre-...Learn More
Aman Sheikh of St X B winner of 6 medals
Aman Sheikh of St X B has won 3 medals for Boxing matches held in February 2016 and in April 2016 at different venues in Mumbai 2 medals for Karate and 1 medal for a sport called Thang-ta – a game which originated in Manipur and consists of sparring with a wooden sword, a shield and head gear to protect the face.
Celebrating the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola
The celebrations for the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola Patron Saint of the Loyola house, started off on the 25th July 2016, with a class-wise, Chart Competion based on the Loyola house motto – “ Ideals in Actions.
Stds. 5A & 6C, Std. 7A & 8A and Std 9B & 10 C , were the proud winners.
A Loyola house canteen,organized by the boys of Std. X was held on the 27th August.
Fr. Gerard Rodricks was the main celebrant at the Feast day Mass,on the 30th July He told the boys to “Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended...Learn More