The celebrations for the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola Patron Saint of the Loyola house, started off on the 25th July 2016, with a class-wise, Chart Competion based on the Loyola house motto – “ Ideals in Actions.
Stds. 5A & 6C, Std. 7A & 8A and Std 9B & 10 C , were the proud winners.
A Loyola house canteen,organized by the boys of Std. X was held on the 27th August.
Fr. Gerard Rodricks was the main celebrant at the Feast day Mass,on the 30th July He told the boys to “Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended on you”, as St. Ignatius did.
The festivities continued in the Therapy Room with the ex-teachers and staff followed by a short programme in the hall.