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News about St.Stanislaus High School

Stanislites excel at Mathematics and Science Olympiad

Master Ahmed Yasin and Master Ibrahim Khalil did their School proud at the Maths and Science Olympiad 2016. Master Ahmed Yasin gave an outstanding performance at the Math and Science Olympiad while Master Ibrahim Khalil gave an outstanding performance in the Math Olympiad

Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education is the nodal centre of the country for Olympiad programmes in mathematics and sciences including astronomy. The programmes aim at promoting excellence in science and mathematics among pre-...Learn More

Aman Sheikh of St X B winner of 6 medals

Aman Sheikh of St X B has won 3 medals for Boxing matches held in February 2016 and in April 2016 at different venues in Mumbai 2 medals for Karate and 1 medal for a sport called Thang-ta – a game which originated in Manipur and consists of sparring  with a wooden sword, a shield and head gear to protect the face. 



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Celebrating the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola

The celebrations for the Feast of St Ignatius of Loyola Patron Saint of the Loyola house, started off on the 25th July 2016, with a class-wise, Chart Competion  based on the Loyola house motto – “ Ideals in Actions.

Stds. 5A & 6C, Std. 7A & 8A  and Std 9B & 10 C , were the proud winners.

A Loyola house canteen,organized by the boys of Std. X was held on the 27th August.

Fr. Gerard Rodricks was the main celebrant at the Feast day Mass,on the 30th July He told the boys to “Pray as if everything depended on God and work as if everything depended...Learn More

Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola (Primary)

The feast of St Ignatius of Loyola (the founder of the Society of Jesus) was celebrated by the primary section on the 29th of July 2016. The children took part in activities such as colouring, best out of waste, and mask – making.

The boys of Std 1st were given to colour a sunflower and complete the sentence ‘I like a sunflower because….’ They displayed their skill of colouring to perfection and the sentence given was also well completed by them.

The second standard boys had to make a chicken cup holder using a paper cup, cut out paper wings and eyes.  The boys had to...Learn More

English Choral Recitation

English choral recitation was held on 22nd July 2016 for students of Std V to VII. The elimination round was held on 16th July and two classes from each standard were selected for the final round. The students were judged on the basis of choice of piece,stage presentation, voice modulation, pronunciation, expression and clarity. Classes 5C, 6A and 7A were selected as the best performers.Learn More

Visit to the Bombay Art Society

The Public Art out-reach workshop organized by GVK Jaye He, Shivaji Airport Museum was held on 22nd July 2016, at the Bombay Art Society.  20 students along with Tr. Princelia attended.

This was a study and an introduction to various types of paintings like pixel painting, spray painting art, poster paintings done by various artists.

The boys were also introduced to different huge and lovely sculptures done by various sculptors, who are not well known.

A 20 minutes activity was organized, where the boys used the material provided such as, best out of waste,...Learn More

Clay Modeling Competition 2016

The Clay Modeling Competition was held on the 16th of July, 2016 for the boys of std. I and II. The theme for the competition was ‘Fruits and Vegetables’.  The teachers in charge were Miss. Malaika Rodrigues and Mrs. Raynah Braganza.

Boys brought their clay and eagerly made clay models of fruits and vegetables and displayed their work beautifully. They showed a lot of interest and completed their work within the stipulated time.

Three prizes were allotted for each class. They were judged on the neatness of their work and their final presentation.Learn More

Immaculata 2016 Legends of tomorrow

IMMACULATA 2016 is an inter school talent show put up every year by the St. Mary’s School, ICSE, Mazgaon. In its fifth year, the successful show took place on 2 and 3 July and 24 participating schools vied for the title of best School in Mumbai.

More than 150 boys from our school participated in the Performing Art, Literary Art, Fine Arts, Global fusion, Out of the box, Sports center and other events with great enthusiasm.

Our boys bagged 4 Trophies.  The 1st prize in Racquet Royale, 2nd in Legacy Reborn and 3rd place in both The Big Band Theory and Ultimate GamesLearn More

Doctors Day 2016

Doctors Day is celebrated on July 1 all across India to honour the legendary physician and the second Chief Minister of West BengalDr Bidhan Chandra Roy. He was born on July 1, 1882 and died on the same date in 1962, aged 80 years. Dr Roy was honoured with the country's highest civilian award, Bharat...Learn More

VAN MAHOTSAVA The festival of trees

Van Mahotsav is an annual tree-planting festival in India This movement was initiated in the year 1950 by India's Union Minister for Agriculture, Dr.K M Munshi.

  • Millions of saplings are planted all across India in observation of the Van Mahotsav week.
  • It is expected that every citizen of India has to plant a sapling in the Van Mahotsav week.
  • It helps spread awareness amongst people about the harm caused by the cutting down of trees.

St.Stanislaus...Learn More


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