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News about St.Stanislaus High School

Inter School Sports Tournament

The inter-school sports tournament held at St Stanislaus High School was an event that brought together students from different schools to compete in various sports including hockey, football, basketball, and volleyball. It commenced with the opening ceremony that ignited the spirit of sportsmanship within the players.

"Success is not measured by the number of wins or losses. It's about the values and principles that you stand for." - Robin Sharma

Amid great anticipation and excitement, the football tournament was first out of the gate. It was...Learn More

Scouts - Thinking Day Celebration

Scouts of St Stanislaus High school took part in the World Thinking Celebration (Scout Founders Day), the Birthday of Lord Baden Powell.

The celebration was organised by the west Mumbai Suburb Bharat Scout and Guide District - Juhu on 22nd February 2023 on the District ground.

The Scouts took part wholeheartedly in the March Past, Lezim and Folk-Dance Competition.

There was no competition held this year as only two scout Troop had participated in the celebration.

St Stanislaus High Scout Troop took part in the all the activities conducted by the west Mumbai...Learn More

Ex-Student Aashish D'Mello is Assistant Editor of the film Everything Everywhere All At Once which won an Oscar for Editing.

Our ex-student Aashish D'mello from Batch of 2008 was part of the Oscar Award winning movie Everything Everywhere All at Once. The movie won seven Oscars. The  award winning editing team comprised of Paul Rogers (editor), Aashish D'mello (assistant editor) and Zekun Mao (assistant editor).

The movie also won the Best Editing Award at British Academy Film & Television Award (BAFTA) & numerous other awards for editing.

After his school...Learn More

मराठी भाषा दिन

मराठी भाषा दिन

“लाभले आम्हास भाग्य बोलतो मराठी

जाहलो खरेच धन्य ऐकतो मराठी “

मराठी ही आपल्यासाठी केवळ एक भाषा नसून ममतेचे, वात्सल्याचे आणि संस्काराचे बोल आहेत. मराठी भाषा सामर्थययवान आणि स ंिर आहे.

27 फेब्र वारी हा दिवस कवी ववष्िू वामन शिरवाडकर म्हिजे आपल्या सवाांचे कवी ,लेखक, नाटककार क स माग्रज यांचा जन्मदिवस. कवी क स माग्रज यांचा जन्मदिवस मराठी भाषा गौरव दिन म्हिून साजरा केला जातो व त्या अन षंगाने तो दिवस आमच्या िाळेतही मोठ्या उत्साहाने साजरा केला.

म लांना मराठी भाषेची गोडी लागावी तसेच मराठीचे उच्चार, मराठीतील कववता याववषयी मादहती शमळावी म्हिून...Learn More

Celebrating Saint John de Britto Feast

“Everyone has a purpose in life, a unique gift or special talent to give to others. And when we blend this unique talent with service to others, we experience the ecstasy and exultation of our own spirit, which is the ultimate goal of all goals.” The above quote truly conveys the teachings of Saint John de Britto and it was put into practice on Saturday, 4th February, 2023.

The Feast of St. John de Britto, the patron saint of the Britto house, was celebrated on this day with great enthusiasm at St. Stanislaus High School. With the coming of February every...Learn More


FC BAYERN MUNICH MAHARASHTRA CUP 2023 was organized by the District Sports Office for the under 14 boys.

This tournament duration is 4 weeks, spread across 36 districts of Maharashtra, covering 5000 schools, and 100000 players.

Top 20 players will be selected from across Maharashtra and taken to FC Bayern Munich Club at Germany for a one-week training camp.

St Stanislaus High School has emerged WINNERS from the MUMBAI SUBURBAN District in which 32 schools had participated.

St Stanislaus defeated Mi Hussan Alana School 11 – 0.

St Stanislaus defeated...Learn More

RSP Rally

On 14 February 2023, an RSP Rally was organized by our school, from St. Stanislaus to Vodafone gallery Hill Road Bandra west from 10 am to 11 am. The rally begun with the reading of the RSP Pledge. The program was much appreciated by the Traffic police and other people on Road. It was indeed a successful Rally.Learn More

SSC FAREWELL 2022 - 2023

A farewell ceremony was held in honour of the outgoing students of St. Stanislaus high school on 7th February 2023 in the school auditorium. It was organized by the class teachers of Sts IX and X respectively. The program began with a thanksgiving prayer service, followed by speeches given by the manager FR. Frazer Mascarenhas, SSESA representative Brain Almeida and the outgoing school captain Leon D’Souza. The much awaited Stan prince contest was judged by Rozzlin Pereira, Laxman Kami and Mohit Israney. The Stan Prince for the year 2022-2023 was Lyle Vaz and runners up were Layton...Learn More

School Council Installation Ceremony 2023 - 2024

‘Great leaders don’t set out to be a LEADER…They set out to make a DIFFERENCE’

The Student Council Election for the year 2023-2024 began with distribution of enrolment forms on 3rd January 2023. Nearly 20 students applied for the post of School and Sports captains and 30 students applied for the post of House Captains. The first round of selection by teachers was conducted on 10th January 2023 in the school museum. Candidates selected after the first round of selection were allowed to campaign for themselves by putting up posters around the school campus. On 24th January 2023...Learn More


The Rotary Club of Bombay West conducted a talent competition for the students of Std 5 to std 9. It is an online platform to showcase a unique talent in the form of a video. HOONAR recognizes all kinds of talent. There were a number of entries for this competition. The last date to submit the entry was 24th September, 2022. Shortlisting the entries was a great task. These shortlisted entries were sent for the final judging to the Rotary Club of Bombay. This was an inter- school competition. St Stanislaus High School bagged two prizes. Zidan Nathani and Mohammed Haadi Shaikh were the...Learn More


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