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News about St.Stanislaus High School


Xseed St Stanislaus High SchoolView more presentations from gmasky.

At St. Stanislaus, we believe in providing the  child with a well-rounded learning experience.  Hence, we have adopted XSEED a learning curriculum.  Children learn by experience thereby, giving him a strong foundation for life.In the XSEED method, children are encouraged to write in their...Learn More

Inauguration of St.Peter’s K.G.

Though  it was not cool, at summer time we prepared for our new schoolAfter all the sweat and toilCame  16th July, the long awaited special dayThat eventually made its  way ,To one and allFriday morning 16th July, around 10.30am seen a heavy downpour, however this did not cause any hindrance as our guest arrived on time inspite of the heavy rains. There was a spirit in the air, a feeling that was  shared by all present – a feeling of joy, excitement ,enthusiasm and anticiaption. It was a day that marked a new beginning  at St....Learn More

Primary Children's Hour

The festive season of Christmas was ushered in by the vivacious children of Std- I who felicitated our very own Parents, who act as our Road Safety Patrol Leaders.

The Christmas Play was enacted thro’ song and dance and for a purely boy school we had some pretty girls who could show you how to shake a leg. Every child wanted to show off his individuality and the teachers had a tough time getting them to synchronies which finally blended into an enjoyable mix and match....Learn More

Christmas Celebration Invitation

Our Stanislites will be singing a New Carol this Christmas.“KILLING NIGHT! UNSAFE NIGHT,ALL IS ANGRY! ALL NEED TO ACT!.........  ”We will stage this program outdoors. All parents and well wishers are invited to witness and carry forward our need to remain united.  We are sure you will come and join us in our celebrations.Time:  7:30 am to 8:30 amDate:  Saturday, 20th December 2008Venue: Stanislaus School groundsLearn More


The K.G. Sports Day was held on the 13th December 2008 on the grounds of St. Peter’s K.G. at 8.00 a.m.

Our chief guest was our Principal Fr. Jude Fernandes S.J. and our dear Headmistress Mrs. Mayrose D’Souza. The children were all there on time with the parents in large numbers. The parents were anxious to see their son run the first race of their life. We started off with a Christmas tableau, performed by our boys, accompanied by our singing teacher Ms. Merlyn D’Souza on the organ where our boys...Learn More

Tree sapling Mr. Madhu Sawant -8th Dec.'08

Card competition -Xavier Hse -8th Dec.'08

145th Athletic Meet

St. Stanislaus Primary Sports

Children's Day at the Circus

Primary school children celebrated Children's Day at the Circus on Friday, 14th November 2008.

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