The Republic Day Celebration of the St. Stanislaus Primary Section was held on 28th January, 2025in the school hall. This was organised by the teachers and students of Std 4.
It began with the singing of the National Anthem followed by a prayer service invoking God's blessings on our leaders, us and our beloved motherland. This was followed by the boys explaining the significance of Republic Day and how it is celebrated. The boys then put up a song that beautifully described our country and how we must treasure and appreciate what we're blessed with and live in peace and unity.
The patriotic feeling engulfed/ filled the hall through beautifully choreographed dances which again showed us how we can make our country's flag fly high by living in harmony and also showcased the acrobatic skills of our boys.
The celebration concluded with Tr. Raynah giving the vote of thanks followed by the singing of the school anthem.