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News about St.Stanislaus High School

Mental Math Competition 2015

Mental Math Competition 2015 organised by Global Math Science Education in association with Maths Vision, Singapore.


Toppers from St. Stanislaus High School

Myron Pesso – Std.VI                                    (3rd Rank) (Trophy)

Ibrahim Khalil – Std.VI               ...Learn More

Marathi Diwas - 27/02/2016

The preparations for Marathi Diwas started from the 22nd February, 2016 with beautiful charts on poems, stories, cleanliness, etc., made and displayed by the boys in their classrooms and on the school notice boards. A Marathi Handwriting Competition was also held during the week. The assemblies too were in Marathi. The boys were enthusiastically gearing up for the ‘Marathi Diwas’.


The ‘Marathi Diwas’ program was held on the 27th of February from 9:40 a.m. to 11:10 a.m. in the school hall. The Chief...Learn More

RSP Camp to Bordi

The RSP Squad of St Stanislaus High School organized a camp to Bordi on the 18th, 19th & 20th Feb 2016.

58 students of Stds 8 and 9 were given a training in First Aid, Road Safety Rules, Yoga, and an examination was conducted for all the students .

The Camp ended on a fun note with a  Camp Fire and a cultural skit on Road Safety.Learn More

Joshua Vaz wins Inter-school YMCA English Elocution

Joshua Vaz, of Std.VII B, secured the First place in the 31st Annual Inter-school 

YMCA English Elocution held on the 20th February 2016.



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Visit to Shanti Daan Ashram

57 boys of the JCP (Jesuit Certificate Programme) visited Shanti Daan Ashram, Borivali (W), an organization for the disabled and differently abled  children.  This Institution is run by the Missionaries of Charity and inaugurated by Mother Theresa in 1981.

There are approximately 200 boys and30 caretakers.  The head of the organization, Brother Oscar spoke of the plight of the children and the function of the Ashram.  The children are taught to make candles and other handicrafts. 

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Britto House Celebrations

The feast of St. John de Britto, patron saint of the Britto House was celebrated on the 5th February 2016.

The Feast Mass was con-celebrated by Fr. Ambrose Machado and Fr. Errol Fernandes.  Fr. Ambrose stressed on learning the local language and whole hearted commitment  to the mission entrusted  to us, that was to be good students.

A short video and skit on the life of St. John de Britto was shown to the boys in the School Hall, followed by a dance showcasing the Britto House motto –“For God and Country”.  Spot prizes were awarded to the boys who...Learn More

Republic Day 2016 Proud to be an Awakened Indian

22  schools from Mumbai came together to create a sense of fervor and patriotism among the students by putting up a Republic Day Parade at Bandstand, Bandra on the 26th January 2016.

The event was represented by personnel  from the Army, Navy and the Air-Force.

The Chief Guest for the morning was Vice-Admiral  R. Harikumar (Naval)

Air Vice Marshal Anil Golani,  Brig. R.S.Rathod (Army) – Chief Administration Officer – Maharashtra,/Guj/Goa. and Col. Maxwel Roberts from the N.C.C. were the other dignitaries present.

The parade was led by a...Learn More


The 152nd Sports Day broke with tradition and was held in the morning at 8 a.m, on Saturday, 12th December 2015.

Stanislite Scouts received the Chief Guest Mr. & Mrs. Rony Quadras, parents of the Sports Captain and Guests of Honour Mr. & Mrs. Shodhana Shetty, parents of the Assistant Sports Captain and the Management members with a Guard of Honour.       

The MarchPast was a sight to behold. Each House competing with the other in their momentum. Stanislites cheered their fellow House members as they went past the dais with the...Learn More

Celebration of Xavier House Feast

The feast celebrations of St. Francis Xavier was held on Tuesday, 8th December 2015 after the pilgrimage to the Mount Mary’s Basilica.

This celebration began with a prayer service and the lighting of the lamp by Fr. Jou, Tr. Anna, Xavier House Captain-Master Nahum Lobo, Trs. Sabita and Yvette Coutinho.

A hymn in honour of St. Francis Xavier was sung in Konkani by the Teachers and a PowerPoint presentation on the life of St. Francis Xavier.  An entertaining dance was performed by Std. VIII boys and a quiz on the Jesuit Saints by Fr. Errol kept the Stanislites minds...Learn More

Annual pilgrimage to Mount Mary’s Basilica

As tradition goes, Stanislites walked their way to Mount Mary’s Basilica on Tuesday, 8th December 2015 for a Eucharistic celebration.

This pilgrimage is held annually to commemorate the “Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary’ and to follow the vow the Bandraites had taken years ago, when Bandra was weighed down by plague. We also celebrated the Feast of our great Jesuit Saint, Saint Francis Xavier. In addition, we began the Year of Mercy as declared by our Holy Father, Pope Francis.

Fr. Charles Rodrigues S.J. was the Main Celebrant at the Mass. Std X students received...Learn More


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