The feast of St. John de Britto, patron saint of the Britto House was celebrated on the 5th February 2016.
The Feast Mass was con-celebrated by Fr. Ambrose Machado and Fr. Errol Fernandes. Fr. Ambrose stressed on learning the local language and whole hearted commitment to the mission entrusted to us, that was to be good students.
A short video and skit on the life of St. John de Britto was shown to the boys in the School Hall, followed by a dance showcasing the Britto House motto –“For God and Country”. Spot prizes were awarded to the boys who correctly answered questions on St. John de Britto.
“It is a great honor & a great glory to serve God”
The highlight of the morning was the Investiture of the new School Council for the year 2016-2017.
School Captain Ojas Jadhav
Asst Josiah Noronha
Britto House Amay Kadam
Asst Raudmaan Irani
Loyola House Hayden Lobo
Asst Rayaan Juvale
Xavier House Amir Zakaria
Asst Anthony Jonathan
Kostka House Zaki Pathan
Asst Kris Corriea
Head Leader Ziyan Badshah
Asst Elvis Vaz
Kevin Andrade
Sports Captain Chinmay Chavan
Asst Marven Pereira