15th August 2017, the occasion of our country’s 71st Independence Day was celebrated with patriotic zeal in our School. We began with the tricolor being hoisted by our Chief Guest Bro. Conrad Fonseca, the singing of the National Anthem and reciting the Pledge by the students and Staff.
A short and meaningful programme was conducted in the school hall thereafter.
It began with a Patriotic song and a rousing speech by Master Reuben D’souza. A skit, based on the school’s theme for the year “Called to Serve” highlighted the message that everyone is called to serve in some way or another.
A passionate speech by Master Yusuf Zakaria was followed by a heart touching tribute to our soldiers of the Indian army which enkindled in all the students a sense of pride for all the armed forces protecting our Country.
Bro. Conrad then spoke about the true meaning of Independence and how we can be of service to our school and our nation by always being prepared – spiritually, morally and physically.
Our Std.X toppers who scored above 90% were felicitated. A very helpful interactive session ensued where in these toppers and their parents were questioned on various aspects of their preparation for the SSC Exam.
The Vote of Thanks was delivered by the Principal, with a strong message to practice acceptance and tolerance and to shun violence, not only in school but also in the world.
The School Anthem was sung with great gusto and the programme ended with the hall resounding with the ‘Bharat mata ki Jai’.
This celebration concluded with a short fellowship between the teachers, the SSC toppers and their parents.
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