Farewell: It is one celebration that students look forward to, while we teachers feel a mixture of emotions towards it. A sense of pride, that our boys will now head out to face a new beginning in their lives and sadness at the same time that we will not be there with them during this part of their journey.
Throughout the hectic year, we may not be able to express to our students how much they mean to us and how dearly we will miss them. The farewell celebration is our way to send them off into the world knowing that they will always be in our thoughts and prayers as they get ready to conquer the world.
This year, keeping in mind the pandemic protocols, we decided to have the farewell in two batches. On 12th February 2022, the farewell programme for Classes 10 C and D was conducted from 9am to 10am and for Class 10 A and B from 11am to 12pm. The students came in, all dressed up in their formal best and had a class picture taken with their teachers. While one class was having their picture taken, another class was being judged for a surprise personality contest. Two students from each class were shortlisted for the final round to be conducted in the school auditorium.
The programme in the auditorium began by invoking God’s presence and asking for His grace to be bestowed on our students. After a meaningful prayer service, Fr. Frazer Mascarenhas shared his thoughts and good wishes with the students. In the first batch, Master. Ayush Tiwari (Asst. School Captain) shared his school experience and aspirations. Master Jared Sequiera (School Captain) did the same in the second batch. There were numerous spot prizes for the boys to win between the speeches and the finale of the personality competition. After the final round, Master Sanan Ansari from 10A, Master Steve Fernandes from 10B, Master Sitanshu Shetty from 10C and Master Kyle Kinny were declared the winners from the respective classes. Sr. Arockia, with a short demonstration, gave our students the message of being positive throughout life’s challenges. The celebration concluded with the singing of the school anthem. It was a poignant moment as this would be the last time our students sang the anthem as Stanislites. As the boys left the auditorium, they were handed snacks and their farewell gift.
Shakespeare put it aptly when he wrote, “Parting is such sweet sorrow...” There is sadness as well as joy because we know that our students will definitely return to their alma mater and their teachers with glimpses of their new lives. Our blessings and prayers will always remain with our dear students wherever they are. So, we bid them adieu with these words by Dr. Seuss:
You’re off to great places! Today is your day!
Your mountain is waiting, so …. get on your way!
Tr. Dorris Patton