Christians around the world celebrate with utmost joy and devotion the feast of nativity or simply the birthday of Mother Mary on September 8. The birth of Mother Mary is celebrated after nine days of Novena Mass, which begins on August 29, and the 10th day is celebrated as the birthday of Mother Mary every year on September 8. This feast is a festival of peace and unity, of joy and love and happiness.
The feast was celebrated in St Stanislaus High School with much enthusiasm and fervour. The colourful programme was unfurled with the garlanding of Mother Mary’s idol with beautiful decoration. Students of class 9B under the guidance of their class teacher presented an inspirational skit highlighting the importance of saving the girl child. The morning assembly was made more meaningful reflecting the virtues of Mother Mary the students have imbibed from the school, followed by a short prayer service. The animation film presented brought out the central theme very well. The head mistress Sr. Arockia shared her thoughts and expressed her appreciation to the organizing committee. Sweets were served to pupils and all staff.
The programme culminated well and filled all the hearts with the mirth of the day.