The feast of St Stanislaus Kostka, Patron Saint of our school and the Kostka House was celebrated on 14th November 2017, with a Eucharistic celebration. Fr. John Cyriac , was the chief celebrant. He told a small story on how ST.STANISLAUS KOSTKA was able to do right things in his life by following a simple objective of FOCUS. The word FOCUS means:
- F – Finding Out
- O – Organisation
- C – Clarification
- U – Understanding
- S – Selection
Children’s day celebrations, held on the same day, in the School Hall commenced with an introductory followed by a prayer service.
The topic of the prayer service was – You are the rainbow of our lives.
There was a short film on the life of ST.STANISLAUS KOSTKA followed by a skit presented by the PTA members on the topic – Identify Yourself.
The dance performances presented by teachers and students, was thoroughly enjoyed by all.
The celebrations concluded with a Vote of thanks given by Fr. Andrew, followed by the introduction of our new Vice Principal Fr. Malcolm Nato S.J.