St Stanislaus High School,Bandra west, is a part of EUMIND(EUrope Meets INDia) , an educational and ecological initiative between Europe and India since last 6 years.
Our international partner school is Jac P.Thijsse College,
On 12th of December 2018 a group of 15 Dutch students along with 2 of their teachers came to Mumbai as a part of this exchange. We at Stanislaus got an opportunity to show them our culture through different activities like the heritage walk in South Mumbai, a visit to different religious shrine like a Gurdwara, Siddhi Vinayak temple, Haji Ali and of course our very own St Peter's Church which is more than 150 years old. They also visited REAP at Kalwa and had a hands on experience of teaching the underprivileged children from the slum areas along with our Stanislites.
They were also a part of our annual athletic meet and the fellowship lunch which we have just before Christmas. They were amazed with all the activities held by the school and in awe of the love and care showered on them by their student host families.
With heavy hearts and tears in their eyes they bid goodbye to us on the 19th of December 2018 with a promise to return soon.
Ms Rubina Jaffer
(Teacher coordinator at St.Stanislaus High School)