The ‘H’ ward science exhibition for the year 2018 – 19 was held at St. Elias High School, Khar west on 11th, 12th and 13th of December.
The various events such as Quiz competition, Elocution, instrumental music, science club and nature club events were held a week before at various ‘H’ ward schools.
Our school took part in all the major events and were highly successful in many of them. The Stanislites did a good job and won various prizes in many events.
The junior group had a project of organic farming, and senior group had resource management as their topic.
Jayden D. secured 1st prize in elocution competition.
Subham Mashalkar 2nd prize in music senior.
Moin Khan 2nd prize in music junior.
Nature club secured first prize in the ‘H’ ward.