We, at the St Stanislaus, Primary section celebrated Parents Day through a Fancy dress organized for the parents on 22nd July 2017 at 9.30am at the Arrupe Hall . The Theme was Parents- Our Superstars and Role Models
The parents participated enthusiastically and each parent displayed their creative side through their costumes as well as brought out their originality through their unique and beautiful messages both for the children and parents alike.
The boys thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were captivated by their parents who truly set a beautiful example for them.
Our judges for that morning, Mrs. Mayrose D’Souza the ex-headmistress of the Primary Section and Mrs.Wendy Chaves who retired as our art and librarian congratulated the parents for their engaging display of sportsmanship and talent.
It was a thoroughly enjoyable morning for each and every one of us present there. The participants truly brought out the essence of the theme and the role of parents as our real heroes and role models. Besides the prize winners taking home their prizes, each participant also went home with souvenirs/takeaways and cherished memories of a morning well spent.
God give us life with happy and sad moments,
Parents always try to give us only happy moments.
Written By –
Tr. Lorraine, Tr. Cursina, Tr. Perpetual and Tr. Lisa.