The Staff, PTA representatives and a few student council members joined together to celebrate Principal Anna’s birthday, which was on the 7th September. The boys sang for the Principal at the morning assembly and expressed their heartfelt gratitude towards her for her tireless efforts in making the school a better place.
Mrs. Anna Correa was given a warm welcome as she entered along with the Manager, Fr. Frazer Mascarenhas s.j. The PTA members started with a short prayer for Tr. Anna followed by a beautiful hymn sung by the teachers, a short speech by Fr. Frazer and cutting of the birthday cake. Small tokens of appreciation were gifted to Principal Anna by the Staff, PTA and Student Council. A beautiful portrait painted by PTA member Jeanette D’souza was also presented.
Singer Shaan, Writer/Director, Milap Zaveri and Actor, Errol Marks, all ex-students taught by Principal Anna, sent in their wishes through short video messages.
“Behind every successful school there is a caring Principal”