On 14th December,2022, boys of std 5 to 9 of science and social studies club visited The Nehru Science Centre at Worli.
Around 35 boys went for this trip along with Tr. Sadaf and Tr. Steffa. Boys left the school to go to the centre by bus at 9am and reached there by 9-50am. Tickets were then purchased by the teachers and the boys were then taken in a queue to various sections which included science technology, history, geography, instrument, animal life, marine life, space etc. There were models prepared and information about the past events were displayed in these sections. Two shows were shown to the boys in 3D and 5D on marine life and The Great Wall of China. They enjoyed the shows. Boys also purchased some science toys from the shops available there. They then spent some time playing in the science garden and also had lunch.
All enjoyed the trip and returned back to school happily by 3pm.