7th July 2017,was a very auspicious day of celebration for the Nature Club boys and the teachers in charge of St. Stanislaus High School, as approximately 300 students and teachers of St. Joseph’s High School, Durello Convent High School, Auxillium Convent High School and Anjuman Islam girl’s High School gathered together for “THE FESTIVAL OF TREES i.e VANAMOHATSAVA”.
The theme for the day was :
Vanamohatsava gives a clarion call to all of us to respond to climate change, global warming and pollution.
The guests for the day were Fr. Frazer (Manager of St. Stanislaus H.S), Mr Sharad Ugade (Asst. Municipal Commisioner W Zone) ,Mr Asif Bhamla (President of Bhamla Foundation), Mr Shaan (Ex Stanislite and Bollywood singer), Ms Pooja Bhat t( Bollywood actress, Mr Sujay Jairaj (Trustee N M College), Siddhart Runwal, Mr Wajid (music composer) and many more along with our Principal Mrs. Anna Correa and the Principals of the above mentioned schools.
Highlight of the programme was thought provoking messages by our distinguished guests, enthusiastic experiences of our student members in the form of videos and the most exciting part of the function was the planting of 5 saplings on our school grounds with the students , teachers and guests.
This was followed by distributions of saplings to each child as a sign of life and well being.
Finally our school undertook a procession on Hill Road followed by the other schools. All the students walked with pride holding banners and shouting slogans creating an awareness for support of a GREEN ENVIRONMENT.
As the programme came to a close each one went home with the message loud and clear,
”Our environment needs care ! Stop the spitting culture and defecating in the open!
Plant trees, Save life !