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Primary Elocution Competition 2022

We at St. Stanislaus Primary witnessed many such poems come to life at the Elocution Competition held on the 29th of Augus 2022t, for the students of Stds. 1 and 2 and on 30th of August, for Stds. 3 and 4.   


Independence Day Celebration (Primary)

India’s 76th Independence Day was celebrated by the staff and students of St.Stanislaus High School- Primary section on the of 15th of August 2022.The programme was presented by the students of standard 3 .


Primary Inter – Class Football Tournament

The game of football can be compared to life. It requires dedication, skill, teamwork, respect for rules, concentration, fair play, strategizing, etc. It also keeps us fit and alert.


St. Ignatius of Loyola Celebration (Primary)

 The feast of Saint Ignatius of Loyola was celebrated by the Primary Section of St Stanislaus High School .


Parents Day celebration 2022

As we have now begun classes in school, we at St Stanislaus High School took this opportunity to celebrate Parents Day on the 23rd of July 2022.

The parents were welcomed and we began the event with a Prayer and Hymn.


Primary Quiz 2021-2022

The Quiz Competition entitled ‘The Quest’ for std 3 and 4 was held on the 11th and 12th of February, respectively. It was a two staged competition which covered the areas of English, Math, Science and Technology, Sports and Entertainment, Computers and G.K.


Republic Day 2022 Primary

Republic day is a day when we pay due respect to our great leaders, freedom fighters and all those who have played an important part framing the constitution of our country India.


Christmas Celebration 2021 (Primary)

 ‘Let us prepare ourselves for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ'


Welcome Back To School

‘Teach me to feel again, in all the ways that I’ve forgotten.’ – J.M.Green


The Feast of St. Stanislaus Kostka and Children’s Day (Primary)

It was a dual celebration in the Primary Section as a programme was held in the live class on the occasion of the feast of St. Stanislaus Kostka as well as Children’s Day.



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