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Rest in Peace Lt. General Francis Dias

Eminent Ex-student (1948 batch) Lt  General Francis Dias passed away on Republic Day This was an important day for him because he was conferred three very important awards on this day in the past by the President of India - the Param Vishist Seva Medal (PVSM), the Ati Vishisht Seva meda

A Stanislite Christmas

Our Christmas celebrations in school aren’t complete without a Christmas programme in our school auditorium. All the 160+ children of std. 2 enthusiastically took part in the performance for our primary section.


Childrens Day 2018

This year Children’s Day was celebrated on 30th November at St. Stanislaus High School. A fun filled morning was organized by the Parent - Teacher Association for the students of standard 1 to 4. A special Fun Fair was held on the background.


English Elocution Competition

“Poetry is when an emotion has found it’s thought and the thought has found words.” –Robert Frost.


Appreciation Day - Primary

This World's God's creation, a place full of wonder and beauty To care for and preserve it, is each one's duty, So we at St Stanislaus, this message did impart, Through song, dance, poetry, drama and art.


Linguaphone Childrens English Programme Primary

Proud to announce, that St Stanislaus has opened a Language Lab, using the Linguaphone Children’s  EnglishProgramme.


Clay modeling/Origami Competition

The boys of Std.I and II had a clay modeling competition and the boys of Std.III and IV had an origami competition on 21st August 2018.Students displayed their talents through clay and paper. Work done by the boys was a piece of art. The boys enjoyed themselves when at work.


Feast Of St. Ignatius Of Loyola

On the occasion of the feast of St Ignatius Of Loyola, the boys of the primary section were briefed on the life of St. Ignatius.


Childrens Hour – STD III

The 72nd Independence Day of our country was celebrated by the Primary Section on the 14th of August 2018 in the school hall. The programme began with a prayer service invoking God’s blessings on our country and its leaders followed by a prayer dance.


Parents’ Day Celebrations 2018

 26th July is celebrated as Parents’ Day in honor of St. Joaquim and Ann the parents of our dear Mama Mary. To make it extra special, we, at St Stanislaus organized a fun filled morning for the parents of the Primary Section on Saturday 28th July.



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